
Ketan Vaish

I'm a Software Developer, Machine Learning enthusiast, novice aspiring Competitive Coder,Geopolitics-phile

About Me


Hey! I am Ketan Vaish, currently pursuing BE in Information Science at RV College of Engineering, Bengaluru. I have had a rich experience in a wide range of technical domain during my college life, from Web Development to Machine Learning to Quantum Computing. I have a research paper published in Springer under my name. Since I started problem solving using DS&A, I love to be engrossed in same for major part of my time.

Problem Solving with DS&A

Web Techologies

Artificial Intelligence

Education and Experience


Bachelor of Engineering

RV College of Engineering, Bengaluru
Information Science and Engineering
CGPA (till 4th Semester): 9.48 (out of 10)


Class 12 - CBSE

Percentage: 94
With Certificate of Excellence in Chemistry for scoring 100% marks.


Class 10 - CBSE

CGPA: 10 (out of 10)
Scholarship: Recognized in Top 1000 meritorious students in State of Uttar Pradesh, awarded scholarship of INR 2000 per Month for academic year 2017-18 and 2018-19.

Dec 2020 - Apr 2021

Software Developer Intern

RenderPub, Bengaluru
Worked on javascript based desktop application launcher which includes a user authentication module.
Tech used: ReactJS, NextJS, ElectronJS and Firebase

June 2020 - July, 2020

Summer Research Intern

National Institute of Technology, Tiruchirappalli
Guided research program for information retrieval system using Deep Learning techniques. Authored and Published a research paper in Springer AISC Series.

Project Work

Source codes available here:

Krishi Samriddhi

JavaScript | OpenWeatherMap API | ipstack API | sklearn | Django

A Web application for farmers that recommends most accurate fertilizer for their crops. Implemented a Python Machine Learning model withrandom forest classifier, for Back-end of the website.

Task Tracker

HTML | CSS | JS | Firebase Authentication | Firestore

Task management web application built with HTML, CSS and JavaScript. It includes Firebase user authentication module for logging in and registering new user. It incorporates Firestore real-time database for keeping track of each user's tasks.


JSX | CSS | ReactJS | CoinGecko API

Cryptocurrencies are hot these days, more than ever. This web application with a great UI is built with ReactJS. It uses Coingecko API for fetching real-time data, which is then rendered as React Components.


JavaScript | ElectronJS | ipcRenderer | FFMPEG library

It is a desktop application that uses FFMPEG library for analysing videos. It also inludes IPC Renderer that lets user to be redirected from the Electron application to external website on Chrome.


Python | python-telegram-bot | Dialoflow | gnewsClient

Python Telegram Bot that uses Dialogflow for conversations and entity recognition. gnews API is used to fetch news articles. Deployed on Heroku.

Coursework and Certifications

Mathematics for ML Specialization

Covers all essential mathematical tools required for ML, like Linear Algebra, Calculus and PCA.

View Certificate

Deep Learning Specialization

Courses by Dr. Andrew Ng are considered as one the best courses available.

View Certificate

Quantum Computing

Two semester long program, starting from scratch to basic quantum algorithms, sponsored by IBM.

View Certificate

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